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Curated Music

Aphex Twin - Collapse EP Album

Just four years into Aphex Twin’s post-comeback career, Richard D. James is making some of the best music of his life. Maybe that sounds like hyperbole or provocation. He’s got a formidable track record, after all: Between 1991 and 2001, he turned electronic music on its ear more than once, giving the world a number of classics in the process. 

Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Last Day (David August revision)

 Modeselektor have proved themselves artists with a range of far-flung good ideas that just can’t seem to coalesce into one big concept. The album is heavy on the vocal tracks, but the duo pick their vocalists carefully and cater to them equally cautiously. Radiohead’s Thom Yorke makes a return appearance here on two tracks! 

Kollektiv Turmstrasse - Last Day (David August revision)

August’s turn on Kollektiv Turmstrasse’s “Last Day” is nothing short of majestic—in fact, it goes so overboard on pathos that it might be too much for some. The original is stripped of its spiky flex, leaving just a humble rhythm section so that all the focus is on that chord progression, rendered so pearly and trembling that it sounds on the verge of tears.